EQ @ WORK: Find Your Superpower

find your hidden superpower & unlock your greatest potential

I’m like a fainting goat in that my survival instinct is to play “corporate professional” on demand. Navigating polite, expressionless diplomacy is a learned skill I will always be learning.

Why? I’m neurodivergent.

Most neurodivergent professionals find their superpowers in invention or math or investing. I've found mine as an emotional savant. I hotwire human connection by connecting dots - or adding new ones - through my unique perspective.

In spite of it - or, perhaps, because of - my neurodivergence, I've built an exciting yet non-linear career on my ability to meaningfully connect people and dots where others cannot.

Everyone has a superpower.

Most haven’t found theirs yet. I find your strengths - or your team’s - where you never thought to look.

Need help finding yours?


EQ @ WORK: Thrive Equity


MEB for Inc.: How to Coach a Direct Report through Self Awareness