Applied EQ: Spare {Prince Harry}

MEB’s favorite content showcasing applied EQ @ work


Spare by Prince Harry

Devote 16 minutes and 27 seconds to **listen** to the intro of Prince Harry's "Spare".

Complete a masterclass in advanced emotional intelligence in less time than it took Martin Luther King, Jr. to galvanize social change through his "I Have a Dream" speech, and in roughly the same amount of words Anita Hill used to set new standards for decency and respect while defending her human right to dignity and safety at work.

Prince Harry is proof positive that deep EQ is the secret to embracing our shared humanity before and above duty and profit. In fact, I'd argue deep EQ will only **exponentially multiply** the latter. 

Connect with MEB about advanced EQ


MEB @ LinkedIn: Emotional Intelligence Gone Bad: How Theranos'​ Elizabeth Holmes Became the Darth Vader of Leadership


Applied EQ: 3 Questions to Gauge Emotional Intelligence {MIT Sloan Management Review}