Living {in} History

Amplifying a premiere academic program for national recognition

Commissioning client

Vice President of Academic Affairs


Higher Education

Ownership model

Private; Catholic

No. of employees



New administration




Salve Regina University



Year founded

Liberal arts university

Business type


Years of collaboration

Strategy, Influence, Impact

MEB category

Strategic communications


  • Executive counsel

  • Writing

  • Thought leadership

  • Executive communications

  • Consensus building

  • Community engagement

  • Reputation marketing

  • Event marketing - strategy & direction

  • Content & engagement infrastructure build

Commissioned by Vice President of Academic Affairs to work with the communications team and faculty leads of Salve Regina’s premiere academic department - Cultural & Historic Program (CHP) - to develop and execute growth strategies.

  • Increase matriculation

  • Foster + expand reputation in region

  • Expand visibility & reputation among CHP peer set

  • Transform marketing strategy for the program and the annual CHP conference

  • Conducted multiple discovery conversations with CHP leadership and administration to determine objectives goals of the work

  • Organized CHP communications team and determined roles and responsibilities

  • Audited Salve CHP and peer programs social media footprints to identify Salve CHP opportunities for differentiation and amplification

  • Created a thorough editorial strategy to guide storytelling as generated by Salve marketing team and CHP leadership

  • Transformed social media strategy & content production system

  • Developed strategy for 2019 CHP conference marketing

  • Provided recommendations for student internship opportunities and ownership to supplement team’s efforts and provide a critical student POV

  • CHP Marketing & Communications Guidebook - a comprehensive strategy for use by Salve marketing team and CHP leadership to organize and elevate CHP storytelling

  • Ongoing editorial strategy for CHP leadership

  • CHP Annual Conference Marketing (highest-performing attendance and sponsorship, two years running)

    • Best Practices

    • Event Planning Guidelines (Gantt chart)

case study: thought leadership

case study: narratives


Salve Regina Univ. - Case Study: Narratives


Salve Regina Univ. - Case Study: Thought Leadership