EQ @ WORK: Required Content for Every Human

MEB’s favorite content showcasing applied EQ @ work

The notion of “soft skills” or is hogwash. So is being a “people person.” We, the people are the hardest part of every job.

If “hard skills” are table stakes for employment, it stands to reason our humanity rounds out the remaining 90 percent of the equation. But we STINK at giving it the space and attention it deserves. Until we take our humanity at work as seriously as we do everywhere else, we’ll continue to foster titanic bureaucracies driven by fear-based behaviors and decision making.

Be better on purpose, with purpose, for greater connectedness, performance, leadership impact, and

resonance that lead to more revenue.

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Connect with MEB about advanced EQ


EQ @ WORK: It’s Time to Call “Mansplaining” What it Really Is